The Relationship between Conspicuous Consumption and Ethical Behaviors of College Students: Value Orientation as the Mediator

Luote Dai

Sch Digital Econ & Trade, Wenzhou Polytech, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, 325035, P.R. China.

Shengyu Gu *

School of Geography and Tourism, Huizhou University, Huizhou, Guangdong, 516007, P.R. China.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Young college students are the pillars of the development of the state and society, and their growth concerns the future of the state. However, with the further development of the Chinese economy, college students' consumption awareness has shifted from initial need-based consumption to sociative and conspicuous consumption, which could possibly result in non-ethical consumption behaviors. Therefore, studying the relationship between conspicuous consumption and ethical behaviors, as well as the factors that influence this relationship, is of great significance for the healthy growth of college students.

This study examined the relationship between conspicuous consumption and ethical behaviors of college students and included collectivism and individualism, which are key factors affecting personal value orientation in Chinese society, as moderating variables in the research model. Collectivism refers to a cultural orientation where individuals prioritize the group's interests over personal gains, while individualism emphasizes personal goals and independence. It was found that conspicuous consumption was negatively correlated with college students' ethical behaviors. Collectivist values can weaken this relationship, while individualist values strengthen it. Finally, possible factors contributing to this relationship were proposed in the conclusion, along with suggestions on how to reduce non-ethical behaviors among college students.

Keywords: Ethical behaviors, conspicuous consumption, collectivism, individualism

How to Cite

Dai, Luote, and Shengyu Gu. 2024. “The Relationship Between Conspicuous Consumption and Ethical Behaviors of College Students: Value Orientation As the Mediator”. South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics 21 (8):64-80.