Female Domestic Workers in Urban Informal Employment: The Case of Hossana City, Ethiopia

Tayech Lemma *

Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Wachemo University, Hosanna P.O. Box 667, Ethiopia and Department of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat, India.

Mala Sharma

Department of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat, India and Government Arts College Mandal, Ahmedabad District, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Domestic work is a significant sector within the informal economy, predominantly employing women globally, yet remains largely unrecognized. This study examines the driving factors and sociodemographic characteristics of female domestic workers in Hossana City, focusing on the challenges they face. A random sample of 167 female domestic workers from three kebeles was selected using multi-stage sampling techniques. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and a one-way ANOVA to investigate wage disparities based on sociodemographic variables. A five-point Likert scale ranked the challenges faced by female domestic workers. The analysis revealed that the majority of domestic workers are young, single, illiterate, and migrants from rural areas due to economic hardships and limited job opportunities.  Key motivations for entering domestic work included supporting their families financially, rural-urban migration, and saving money for potential migration abroad. Wage analysis indicated significant disparities influenced by age, marital status, education, the employer’s family size, and working hours. The study found that low wages, unpaid extra workload, and long working hours are significant challenges. The findings highlight the need for policy interventions to improve working conditions and ensure fair wages, addressing the socioeconomic challenges faced by female domestic workers in urban settings.

Keywords: Domestic worker, female, informal employment, wage, hossana

How to Cite

Lemma, Tayech, and Mala Sharma. 2024. “Female Domestic Workers in Urban Informal Employment: The Case of Hossana City, Ethiopia”. South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics 21 (9):1-14. https://doi.org/10.9734/sajsse/2024/v21i9875.


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