Enhancing Marketing Transparency and Trust through Blockchain Technology

Bernardus Franco Maseke *

University of Namibia, Namibia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This research delved into the intersection of blockchain technology and marketing, aiming to investigate its transformative potential in enhancing transparency, trust, and reducing ad fraud. Employing a mixed-methods research design, both quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed to comprehensively address the research objectives. In the quantitative phase, a stratified random sampling technique was utilized to select participants from diverse demographic segments, including both consumers and marketing professionals. Surveys and digital analytics tools were employed to collect data on trust levels, perceptions, and customer engagement in traditional and blockchain-based marketing initiatives. Statistical analyses, including chi-square tests and ANOVA, were conducted to determine the significance of blockchain's impact. The qualitative phase involved purposive sampling of key informants for in-depth interviews, providing nuanced insights into experiences and perceptions regarding blockchain technology in marketing. Content analysis and thematic analysis were applied to marketing materials and qualitative data, respectively. The integration of findings from both phases allowed for a comprehensive understanding of blockchain's impact on marketing, emphasizing its transformative potential. Limitations, such as the challenge of capturing the rapidly evolving nature of blockchain technology, were acknowledged.

Keywords: Marketing transparency, blockchain technology, consumer perceptions, ad fraud reduction

How to Cite

Maseke , Bernardus Franco. 2024. “Enhancing Marketing Transparency and Trust through Blockchain Technology”. South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics 21 (3):83-92. https://doi.org/10.9734/sajsse/2024/v21i3786.